Power of Music Documentary Block


Saturday, December 18th


Factory Underground (Downstairs)

  • Perfect Here

    Director: Marc Alan

    “Perfect Here” is new latest EP from Vicki F, a follow up to her 2019 album “Definite Yes!”

    She recorded the work at Factory Underground Studio in Norwalk, CT, with producer Ethan Isaac. Vicki F is an authentic punk rocker from the late 70’s-early 80’s, whose band Troupe DiCoupe burst out of the original New Haven punk scene, performing at venues such as Ron’s Place and CBGB. After stepping away from music for a number of years, the passing of a close friend led Vicki F to revisit her musical past, and this inspired a new round of songwriting. More stripped down in arrangement than her earlier work. Yet, even with the passing of time, and with the evolution of her style, there is no missing the original fire and punk rock spirit that gave her music breath from the very beginning.

  • Bulletproof Wings

    Director: Lori Ambrosini