Narrative Shorts
Saturday, January 20 • 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Wall Street Theater • 71 Wall Street, Norwalk, CT 06850
A Mind Cannot Touch
Director: Geoffrey Prather
A Mind Cannot Touch is a short film about loss and how one grieving mother will go to any lengths to bring her daughter back from the dead. The film asks, "What if you could bring a loved one back after their physical body has died?" and explores the moral implications of this hypothetical.
Dead Enders
Directors: Fidel Ruiz-Healy, Tyler Walker
A disaffected, young gas-station clerk on the midnight shift must learn to give a damn about something after malevolent mind-controlling bugs are set loose by irresponsible oil drillers.
Director: Jun Shimizu
In the heart of Koreatown, Los Angeles, a young woman must protect her ailing father from a sinister entity.
Director: Sam Cutler-Kreutz, David Cutler-Kreutz
Two young men journey through a dangerous waterpolo ritual that will test their friendship.
Director: Ryan McCown
A rivalry between two figure skaters and their coaches. And a witch.
Director: Kiarra Goldberg
Grace experiences a miscarriage after a first date leads to an accidental pregnancy. Fractal follows the story of her struggle across three different realities; memory, present-day, and a dream of what could have been. How do you mourn the loss of something that you never had?
Into the Thicket
Director: Devany Greenwood
A young woman struggles with her fractured home life, failing to find common ground with her volatile yet emotionally repressed mother. Longing for a maternal figure, she continues to be haunted by visions of a mystical woman, and soon, dream intertwines with reality as she discovers a deeper connection to the mysterious lady of the woods.
The Moms
Director: Katie Goodman
5 Moms. 7 minutes. One Prius. And 432 opinions they will die for. Welcome to Moms night out.
Nu Metal Will Never Die
Director: Colter Harris
It's 1999, and an aspiring Altoona, PA nu-metal band practice for their first show on New Year's Eve, Y2K. Derek, their overzealous frontman, desperate to break through and leave his hometown, believes nu-metal is the "music of the future," but his newfound obsession with the genre alienates his bandmates.