Animated Shorts


Saturday, December 18th


Wall Street Theater

Sunday December 19th


Space 67

  • A Girl Like Me

    Director: Melissa Glasscock

    This animated short highlights accomplishments of women in the fields of science, engineering, technology, math, the arts, sports and humanitarian work.

  • The Big (Deep) Sleep

    Director: Johannes DeYoung

    A poetic reflection on anomie and desire, experienced through the vernacular of pulp-noir. As nightfall unravels into surreal fever dream, the landscape pitches into unrest. Whose interests steer us through the dark night of the soul?

  • Alienated

    Director: Luke Angus

    A lonely alien is unable to come to terms with the loss of a loved one and goes to extreme lengths to avoid accepting reality. He puts on a smile and pretends everything is fine, but until he learns to move on, he will be stuck in a peculiar endless loop, his life dominated and defined by the loss he suffered.

  • The Extinction of Up

    Director: Randy Boyum

    In the near future, when people only recognize each other by their shoes, two boys discuss weird things that are happening in their lives, including a sibling's accidental weight gain, and a great-grandfather's bizarre revelations about the past..

  • Pride

    Caroline Brooks, Lily Brooks, Courtney Brooks

    A stop motion video. 10 year old twins answer their 4th grade classmates’ questions about having gay parents.

  • The Quiet

    Director: Radheya Jegatheva

    When an astronaut ponders on the quietude of space, he comes upon a startling self-realisation. The truth is written in the stars, but what will he uncover?